We are Stella Startups ✨

And we want to help you make the world a better place.

The startup world is our natural habitat.

Like you, we love the startup world because it’s full of big ideas to make life healthier, safer and greener.

But big ideas don’t sell themselves. While you’re busy building your product and team, you need to start building your brand and your market. 

We’ve seen many Aussie startups struggle with this. And that’s why we’re here. Behind every great startup is a great story. We’ll help you tell it, and know how to sell it.

Not another ‘agency’

The agency model doesn’t work for startups (meetings, overheads...meetings).
Luckily, we’re not an agency 🙂 👇


You can expect clear pricing, processes and goals so you know where you stand, from the get go.

We work with you to make use of your in-depth knowledge about your product, and bring you along the marketing journey to demystify the magic.

Lean machine

Like you, we don’t have layers of office bureaucracy or internal politics. We prioritise work over admin, and we use tech to streamline our process.

We’re in Australia and NZ, and we pull in startup-friendly experts in niche marketing areas (if you need them) from our growing global network.

Magnifying glass icon


We’re not biased towards particular marketing tactics. We look holistically at your product and how you can best reach your audience.

If it involves a tactic we’re not experts in, we’ll recommend someone who is (and with whom you can work directly, not at an exorbitant mark-up).

Meet our team

We’ve worked inside startups and led marketing for scale ups. We bring you years of experience built in your world, and in agencies and well-known brands.

Here’s a few of our crew from Australia and NZ.

Gemma Clancy
Head of Marketing
Bridget Cull
Head of Communications
Bec Bate
Marketing & Design
Paloma Newton
Chrissy Barton-Jones
Content Marketer

Ready to make sense
of marketing?

It all starts with a chat, and we'd love to learn more about your startup.